GSoC report Week-4

As I mentioned in my last report I had a meeting with Ariel, Paolo and Simone and all three of them suggested to go on with the CAS/LDAP so for this I’ve set up a repository called geonode-cas. Here’s the link

I first set up a VirtualBox with Vagrant and installed GeoNode in it so that I could make changes and make it run with preferred changes and then can share it with the mentors easily. It took me almost a day to get it up and running since it was the first time I used VBOx and vagrant and Ariel helped a lot in this process.

Now what am currently working on is to integrate LDAP authentication to GeoNode and make changes to the fabric script or make a totally new one to reflect these changes during deployment. Most probably I’ll be using a CAS extension developed by Christian Mueller

This extension for geoserver is relatively newer and lacks any kind of documentation so I have to learn and implement it completely by myself and I hope I’ll write a ‘how to’ for the extension to help out others like me looking for the documentation.

Now my target before the mid-term evaluation is to completely integrate a CAS authentication system to the GeoNode and next week will be very crucial to it as till now most of my work has been research related and I haven’t written much of code till now so this week is really going to be a tough one.

You can track the work at

Thank you for reading!

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